Xmake Getting Started Tutorial 1: Installation and Updates


Xmake is a lightweight modern C/C++ project build tool based on Lua. Its main features are: easy to use syntax, more readable project maintenance, and a consistent build experience across platforms.

This article mainly explains the installation process of xmake under various platforms.

Install the Master version

Usually we only need to install the script with a one-click installation script.

Using curl

Bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tboox/xmake/master/scripts/get.sh)

Using wget

Bash <(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tboox/xmake/master/scripts/get.sh -O -)

Using powershell

Invoke-Expression (Invoke-Webrequest 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tboox/xmake/master/scripts/get.ps1' -UseBasicParsing).Content

Note: If the ps script execution prompt fails, you can try to execute in administrator mode.

Install Windows version

Using the installation package

Windows provides a pre-made nsis installation package, we can download the installation package directly from github’s Releases download page.

  1. Download the windows installation package from [Releases] (https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake/releases)
  2. Run the installer xmake-[version].exe

Using scoop

Scoop install xmake


$ ruby ​​-e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
$ brew install xmake


  1. Download the pkg installation package from [Releases] (https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake/releases)
  2. Double click to run

Or install the master version:

# Install the master version using homebrew
$ brew install xmake --HEAD

# or directly call the shell to download and install
$ bash <(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tboox/xmake/master/scripts/get.sh)


Install on archlinux:

$ yaourt xmake

Or download the deb package to install:

  1. Download the deb installation package from [Releases] (https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake/releases)
  2. Run: dpkg -i xmake-xxxx.deb


The latest version of xmake already supports termux well, and we usually only need to execute the above one-click installation script. If it fails, please refer to the following to pull the source code to compile and install.

Source compilation and installation


Note: Remember, xmake is not recommended to install under root, so try not to pull down the source to compile and install!

$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake.git
$ cd ./xmake
$ ./scripts/get.sh __local__
$ source ~/.xmake/profile

If you think the source of github is too slow, you can pull it through gitee’s image source: clone --recursive https://gitee.com/tboox/xmake.git

Note: Since the current xmake source maintains dependencies via git submodule, you need to add the --recursive parameter to pull all submodules at the same time. Please do not download the tar.gz source directly, because github does not automatically package submodules. Code.

If you forget to add --recursive when git clone, you can also execute git submodule update --init to pull all submodules, for example:

$ git clone https://github.com/xmake-io/xmake.git
$ cd ./xmake
$ git submodule update --init
$ ./scripts/get.sh __local__

Note: ./get.sh __local__ is installed to ~/.local/xmake, and then loaded by source ~/.xmake/profile, so after the installation, the current terminal fails to execute xmake, If the prompt is not found, manually execute source ~/.xmake/profile, and the next time you open the terminal, you don’t need it.


$ ./scripts/get.sh __uninstall__

Just update the installation lua script

This developer needs to debug the xmake source locally:

$ ./scripts/get.sh __local__ __install_only__

Root installation

Xmake is not recommended for root installation, because this is very insecure. If the user has to download the root, if the prompt xmake fails to run, please pass the --root parameter as prompted or set XMAKE_ROOT=y. The environment variable is forcibly enabled, provided that the user needs to pay attention to the risk of incorrect operating system file files under root.

Dependency issues

  1. If you encounter problems with readline, please install readline-devel or libreadline-dev dependencies. This is optional. It is only needed when the xmake lua command executes REPL.
  2. If you want to speed up compilation, you can install ccache, xmake will automatically detect and use, which is also optional.

Other installation methods

Note: This is also the source code compilation and installation, but the installation path will be directly written to /usr/, which requires root privileges, so unless special circumstances, this installation method is not recommended, it is recommended to use the ./get. Sh __local__ way to install, the installation path of the two installation methods is different, do not mix.

Compile and install via make:

$ make build; sudo make install

Install to other specified directories:

$ sudo make install prefix=/usr/local


$ sudo make uninstall

Update Upgrade

Starting with v2.2.3, the xmake update command has been added to quickly update and upgrade itself. The default is to upgrade to the latest version. Of course, you can also specify to upgrade or roll back to a version:

$ xmake update 2.2.4

We can also specify an update to the master/dev branch version:

$ xmake update master
$ xmake update dev

Update from the specified git source

$ xmake update github:xmake-io/xmake#master
$ xmake update gitee:tboox/xmake#dev # gitee mirror

If xmake/core hasn’t moved, just update the xaake lua script changes, you can add -s/--scriptonly to quickly update the lua script.

$ xmake update -s dev

Finally, if we want to uninstall xmake, it is also supported: xmake update --uninstall


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